What’s the true Life Span of your Caravan batteries?
The heading asks it all…. “How long will I get out of the batteries in my caravan before I need to replace them?” It’s a valid question and rarely is there a valid answer given!
When you think about it – the batteries are one of our biggest investments in our caravans. We rely on them heavily, as they supply us the modern day caravanning lifestyle we love to enjoy. They give us the energy that provides us instant lighting at the flick of a switch – chilled food via our refrigeration, and the power to charge our smartphones and laptops that keeps us in touch with our loved ones!
At the end of the day it gets down to what the RV power and energy industry calls Charge Cycles. And the amount of charge cycles between battery types is incredibly contrasting! So exactly what is a charge cycle, and how does that compare between different types batteries?
To answer those two questions, we decided to ask the experts. Dave from Enerdrive (supplier of Sportscruiser Caravans Power and Energy Systems) gives us a short to-the-point overview on what a charge cycle is and the difference between the charge cycles in our existing lead acid battery used in the Sportscruiser 1800 Tourer versus the modern day innovation of lithium battery used in Sportscruiser Cross Country upgrade models.
We’d love to hear what you have to say – make sure you leave us a question or comment below. Enjoy!